Audiology Technician Resume Guide

Audiology Technicians assist audiologists in providing diagnostic and therapeutic services to people with hearing loss or balance disorders. They prepare patients for testing, calibrate and operate audiological equipment, collect data from tests, provide patient education on the use of devices such as hearing aids, administer ear-mold impressions for custom fittings and perform other related duties.

You have a knack for diagnosing and treating hearing problems, but potential employers don’t know your name. To get them interested in hiring you, you must write an attention-grabbing resume that highlights your audiology experience and expertise.

This guide will walk you through the entire process of creating a top-notch resume. We first show you a complete example and then break down what each resume section should look like.

Audiology Technician Resume

Table of Contents

The guide is divided into sections for your convenience. You can read it from beginning to end or use the table of contents below to jump to a specific part.

Audiology Technician Resume Sample

Aliyah Pagac
Audiology Technician

[email protected]


Determined audiology technician with 5+ years of experience providing comprehensive hearing evaluations, fitting and dispenseing hearing aids, counseling patients on use of assistive devices and performing balance testing. Seeking to leverage strong patient care skills in a role at ABC Clinic where I can apply my ability to accurately diagnose hearing issues. Proven success increasing revenue through efficient patient scheduling and quick turnaround times.


Audiology Technician, Employer A
Little Rock, Jan 2018 – Present

  • Spearheaded the completion of over 500 hearing tests annually by accurately interpreting audiometric and speech test results, utilizing state-of-the art audiology equipment.
  • Structured and facilitated group meetings for patient families to discuss diagnosis information, treatment options, lifestyle modifications and long-term care plans; increased patient understanding of the condition by 30%.
  • Thoroughly reviewed medical histories with patients prior to conducting diagnostic testing in order to ensure accurate assessment; reduced misdiagnosis rate from 8% to 4%.
  • Presented educational seminars on hearing loss prevention strategies at local health clinics across the city; reached an audience of 350+ people within one year.
  • Developed a program that provided free audiological screenings for disadvantaged children in partnership with community organizations; identified 50 cases requiring immediate intervention or follow up care within 6 months.

Audiology Technician, Employer B
Portland, Mar 2012 – Dec 2017

  • Resourcefully compiled and analyzed patient data for over 500 audiology tests per month to detect hearing impairments, balance disorders and auditory processing difficulties.
  • Prepared rooms with necessary equipment prior to appointments, ensuring that all diagnostic tools were in proper working order; reduced pre-appointment setup time by 15%.
  • Monitored vital signs of patients during testing sessions and performed routine checks on the accuracy of test results; increased overall accuracy rate from 82% to 95%.
  • Introduced new technologies such as real-ear measurements devices into day-to-day operations which greatly enhanced speed & precision when measuring hearing thresholds among different age groups.
  • Developed a comprehensive database system for storing detailed records of each patient’s diagnosis, treatment plans and follow up visits; improved organizational efficiency by 25%.


  • Hearing Aid Fitting and Programming
  • Audiometric Testing
  • Balance Testing
  • Aural Rehabilitation
  • Tympanometry
  • Otoacoustic Emissions
  • Hearing Aid Troubleshooting
  • Cerumen Management
  • Hearing Conservation


Bachelor of Science in Audiology
Educational Institution XYZ
Nov 2011


Certified Audiology Technician
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
May 2017

1. Summary / Objective

Your resume summary should be an elevator pitch that quickly and succinctly explains why you are the best audiology technician for the job. Focus on your experience, such as how many years of experience you have in this field, any specialized training or certifications you possess, and any unique skills or talents that make you stand out from other applicants. You can also mention awards or recognition received for outstanding performance in previous roles.

Below are some resume summary examples:

Enthusiastic audiology technician with 5+ years of experience in performing hearing tests on patients. Proven ability to use a range of audiological equipment and software, including audiometers, tympanometers, real ear measurement systems, and OAE devices. At XYZ Clinic I improved patient satisfaction scores by 20% through efficient services and friendly customer service. Skilled at interpreting results for accurate diagnosis and treatment decisions.

Accomplished audiology technician with 10+ years of experience providing hearing tests and assessments to patients in a variety of settings. At XYZ Hospital, provided diagnostic and rehabilitative audiological services for over 200 pediatric and adult patients each year. Adept at testing all types of hearing loss including conductive, sensorineural, neural-muscular auditory pathways disorders, tinnitus management and balance disorder assessment.

Talented audiology technician with 8+ years of experience in troubleshooting and repairing hearing aids, conducting audiological tests, and fitting patients with appropriate devices. Seeking to join ABC Hearing Solutions as a senior-level audiologist technician to leverage expertise in the field and contribute to improved patient care. In current role, developed an innovative system for tracking repair requests that reduced wait times by 25%.

Reliable audiology technician with 3+ years of experience in hearing tests, diagnosis and fitting of hearing aids. At XYZ Medical Center, contributed to the successful implementation of a new audiology department from scratch. Certified Audiologist Technician (CAT) specializing in cochlear implants and pediatric diagnostics. Possesses strong interpersonal skills enabling effective communication with patients for better outcomes.

Proficient audiology technician with 5+ years of experience diagnosing and treating hearing loss in adults, children, and infants. Experienced in audiometric testing, balance assessment, hearing aid selection/fitting/troubleshooting as well as diagnostic equipment maintenance. Successfully completed over 500 audiological assessments for patients across a wide range of age groups at XYZ Hearing Center.

Well-rounded audiology technician with 8+ years of experience providing auditory diagnostic testing for patients. Proven ability to assess and diagnose hearing issues, counsel on hearing aid solutions, and collaborate with medical staff in a fast-paced environment. Currently seeking to join ABC Clinic as an audiologist technician where I can apply my knowledge and skills in the field of audiology.

Dependable audiology technician with 5+ years of experience providing quality care to patients. Skilled in a variety of hearing and balance tests, as well as the fitting and maintenance of hearing aids. At XYZ Clinic, implemented new processes that increased patient satisfaction by 15%. Looking to join ABC where I can utilize my knowledge and expertise for better patient outcomes.

Driven audiology technician with 5+ years of experience in both clinical and non-clinical settings. Bringing strong communication skills, a keen eye for detail, and an unwavering commitment to patient safety to ABC Medical Center. At XYZ Clinic, achieved 94% satisfaction rating from patients while successfully completing over 850 hearing tests per month.

2. Experience / Employment

For the experience section, you want to list your employment history in reverse chronological order, meaning the most recent job should be listed first.

When writing about what you did during each role, use bullet points and provide as much detail as possible. For instance, instead of saying “Performed hearing tests,” say something like “Administered comprehensive audiological evaluations for patients aged 3-65 using advanced diagnostic equipment.”.

This will help demonstrate your skillset more effectively and make it easier for readers to understand the scope of work that you have done.

To write effective bullet points, begin with a strong verb or adverb. Industry specific verbs to use are:

  • Assessed
  • Diagnosed
  • Evaluated
  • Administered
  • Recorded
  • Interpreted
  • Monitored
  • Programmed
  • Calibrated
  • Tested
  • Cleaned
  • Repaired
  • Adjusted
  • Documented
  • Educated

Other general verbs you can use are:

  • Achieved
  • Advised
  • Compiled
  • Coordinated
  • Demonstrated
  • Developed
  • Expedited
  • Facilitated
  • Formulated
  • Improved
  • Introduced
  • Mentored
  • Optimized
  • Participated
  • Prepared
  • Presented
  • Reduced
  • Reorganized
  • Represented
  • Revised
  • Spearheaded
  • Streamlined
  • Structured
  • Utilized

Below are some example bullet points:

  • Adjusted and maintained audiology equipment, calibrating and troubleshooting instruments to ensure their accuracy and functioning; reduced repair costs by 40% over last 4 months.
  • Facilitated audiometric testing for 700+ patients with hearing loss or ear damage, accurately determining the type of impairment using pure-tone audiometry techniques.
  • Documented patient findings in electronic health records, including detailed notes on patient history, physical exams & test results; updated databases regularly according to HIPAA compliance standards.
  • Cleaned all testing rooms after every appointment and ensured that safety protocols were followed at all times when dealing with hazardous materials such as x-ray machines or lead aprons used during imaging tests.
  • Efficiently performed diagnostic assessments such as tympanometry & otoacoustic emissions (OAE) tests within 1 hour per session while consistently achieving 95% customer satisfaction ratings from clients.
  • Optimized hearing aid settings to achieve improved outcomes for over 400 patients, resulting in a 24% reduction of return visits due to unsatisfactory fit.
  • Represented the audiology clinic as a member of local health fairs and community outreach events, promoting services and raising awareness about hearing loss issues.
  • Substantially increased patient satisfaction ratings by providing personalized care instructions after fitting hearing aids; reduced noise-induced complaints by 40%.
  • Mentored two new audiology technicians on the proper use of audiometric testing equipment such as OAE machines and sound booths; trained staff achieved full competency within 6 months period.
  • Programmed cochlear implant processors according to individual requirements using software applications like Maico/Audioscan/Nucleus etc.; successfully managed 95+ devices annually with minimal device failure rate (less than 1%).
  • Demonstrated expert knowledge in hearing assessment, audiological testing and interpretation of audiograms to diagnose auditory conditions; successfully diagnosed over 80 patients per week.
  • Participated in the research and development of new audiology technologies such as assistive listening devices (ALD); implemented changes that resulted in a 25% increase in patient satisfaction scores.
  • Reorganized existing workflow processes for audiometry tests, resulting in an average reduction of wait times from 45 minutes to 30 minutes per patient visit.
  • Accurately compiled detailed reports on each patient’s medical history, test results & follow up treatment plans; improved accuracy by 10%.
  • Administered hearing aid fittings and repairs according to established protocols while adhering strictly to safety regulations; reduced fitting time by 15% without compromising quality standards or customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Educated 100+ patients on the basics of hearing care and use of audiology equipment, resulting in a 30% increase in patient satisfaction ratings.
  • Reliably tested, recorded and monitored auditory functioning for over 200 patients per week using state-of-the-art audiometers; established protocols for early diagnosis that resulted in a 40% reduction in misdiagnoses.
  • Assessed ear health by performing physical exams to diagnose disorders such as tinnitus or otosclerosis; identified potential issues before they became serious medical conditions, preventing costly treatments down the line.
  • Revised existing treatment plans based on changing patient needs while regularly assessing their progress with follow up visits; completed all tasks within 2 weeks and tracked results to ensure successful outcomes were achieved every time (+50%).
  • Formulated appropriate rehabilitation programs tailored to each individual’s lifestyle needs after evaluating test data, providing necessary guidance along the way that led to improved quality of life (+25%) among many patients who had previously experienced hearing difficulties.
  • Independently administered hearing tests, utilizing specialized audiology equipment to diagnose and treat a wide range of hearing disorders for over 200 patients a week; reduced wait times by 30%.
  • Utilized computer-based software such as Auditek to interpret results from audiometric evaluations accurately and effectively.
  • Interpreted test results in order to expedite referrals for further medical treatment where necessary; decreased average referral time by 17%.
  • Expedited the patient experience through knowledgeably answering questions regarding the causes & solutions of their particular disorder, providing comprehensive care advice on an individual basis.
  • Diagnosed various types of ear infections or diseases using advanced technology such as otoscopes and tympanometers; increased accuracy rate by 12% year-over-year.
  • Advised over 120 patients on hearing aid selection, fitting and maintenance; reduced patient wait times by 12% with help from a new audiology software system.
  • Reduced the total cost of care for each patient visit by 10%, through effective use of resources such as spare parts inventory and advanced troubleshooting techniques.
  • Proficiently operated specialized equipment to diagnose and test auditory systems, including audiometers, tympanometers & otoacoustic emission devices (OAE).
  • Streamlined data entry processes in order to accurately update electronic records within 24 hours after each appointment; improved documentation accuracy rate by 16%.
  • Evaluated up-to-date research findings on pediatric audiology to provide accurate diagnosis for children ages 0-18 years old with ear conditions or hearing loss issues.
  • Tested hearing and balance functions of over 350 patients using advanced audiology equipment; improved accuracy rates by 32% within 3 months.
  • Confidently performed diagnostic audiologic evaluations, including recording acoustic reflexes, otoacoustic emissions and tympanometry with minimal supervision.
  • Improved patient experience through careful explanation of test results and providing counseling on hearing loss preventative measures for more than 200 customers per month.
  • Repaired malfunctioning audiology instruments such as headphones, amplifiers & bone oscillators in accordance to safety protocols; reduced repair costs by $1,500 annually due to successful maintenance efforts.
  • Coordinated efficiently with physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals regarding patient referrals & follow-up appointments; successfully maintained a caseload of up to 75 patients daily without any delays or missed visits.
  • Meticulously performed hearing tests for over 100 patients per week, including diagnostics and calibrations of auditory equipment to ensure accurate results.
  • Calibrated up to 15 different audiometric systems a day; achieved an average accuracy rate of 96%.
  • Recorded patient data in EHR system while ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations at all times.
  • Achieved 98% customer satisfaction ratings from clients through providing excellent patient care and communication skills during appointments.

3. Skills

Skill requirements will differ from employer to employer – this can easily be determined via the job advert. Organization ABC may be looking for an audiology technician with experience in fitting hearing aids, while Organization XYZ may require someone who specializes in testing and diagnosing hearing loss.

It is essential to tailor the skills section of your resume to each job you are applying for because many employers use applicant tracking systems these days which scan resumes for certain keywords before passing them on to a human.

You should also elaborate on your most important skills by discussing them further in other sections of your resume such as the summary or experience section.

Below is a list of common skills & terms:

  • Audiometric Testing
  • Aural Rehabilitation
  • Balance Testing
  • Cerumen Management
  • Hearing Aid Fitting and Programming
  • Hearing Aid Troubleshooting
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Otoacoustic Emissions
  • Patient Counseling
  • Tympanometry

4. Education

Including an education section on your resume will depend on how far along you are in your career. If you just graduated and have no work experience, it is important to include an education section below the objective. However, if you already have significant work experience as an audiology technician that should be highlighted instead of focusing too much on educational details.

If including an education section, try to mention courses or subjects related to the job role as a technician such as anatomy and physiology for hearing health care professionals or acoustics for audiologists.

Bachelor of Science in Audiology
Educational Institution XYZ
Nov 2011

5. Certifications

Certifications are a great way to demonstrate your expertise and proficiency in a certain field. They are also proof that you have taken the time and effort to stay up-to-date with industry trends, which is something employers look for when hiring new employees.

Including certifications on your resume can be beneficial if they are relevant to the job you’re applying for or show off an important skill set that could give you an edge over other applicants.

Certified Audiology Technician
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
May 2017

6. Contact Info

Your name should be the first thing a reader sees when viewing your resume, so ensure its positioning is prominent. Your phone number should be written in the most commonly used format in your country/city/state, and your email address should be professional.

You can also choose to include a link to your LinkedIn profile, personal website, or other online platforms relevant to your industry.

Finally, name your resume file appropriately to help hiring managers; for Aliyah Pagac, this would be Aliyah-Pagac-resume.pdf or Aliyah-Pagac-resume.docx.

7. Cover Letter

Cover letters are an integral part of the job application process. They are usually made up of 2 to 4 paragraphs and provide recruiters with more insight into who you are as a professional, your qualifications and why you’re the best fit for the role.

Although cover letters aren’t always required by employers, they can help set yourself apart from other candidates applying for the same position. Take this opportunity to make it clear why you would be an asset to their team and how your skills match their requirements.

Below is an example cover letter:

Dear Germaine,

I am writing to apply for the audiology technician position at [hospital name]. I have a bachelor’s degree in Audiology and Speech Pathology from the University of Michigan, and I am currently certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). I have experience working in both hospital and private clinic settings, and I am confident that I would be a valuable addition to your team.

In my previous positions, I have been responsible for conducting audiometric testing, administering hearing conservation programs, fitting patients for hearing aids, and providing counseling services. I have also gained experience with EMR systems such as Epic and Cerner. My attention to detail and excellent patient care skills have resulted in consistently positive feedback from patients, supervisors, and colleagues.

I believe that my education and experience make me uniquely qualified for this position. In addition to my technical skills, I am also an excellent communicator with a strong commitment to provide quality patient care. I am confident that I can be an asset to your team, and I look forward to contributing to the success of [hospital name].

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or would like additional information about my qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me at [phone number] or [email address].



Audiology Technician Resume Templates
